



株式会社PBADAO(代表取締役:芳賀 真/堀井 紳吾、本社:東京都渋谷区 以下、パバダオ)は、パールファルコとともに真珠業界におけるグローバルなブロックチェーンプロジェクトを展開します。プロジェクト第一弾として、シンガポール政府が運営するシンガポール映画協会と連携、東友章氏が映画プロデュースを務め、パールファルコ代表の牧戸氏が監修したアコヤ真珠を題材とした映画「親のお金は誰のもの 法定相続人」のシンガポール公開と同時にRWA(現実資産)連携型のNFTを展開します。




今回シンガポールにて公開される「THE PEARL LEGACY」は、昨年10月に日本で公開された「親のお金は誰のもの 法定相続人」の海外タイトルです。

「親のお金は誰のもの 法定相続人(THE PEARL LEGACY)」について



撮影は2022年4月から映画の舞台でもある三重県伊勢志摩を中心に行われ、5月にクランクアップ。メガホンを取るのは、『利休にたずねよ』(13)、『サクラサク』(14)、『海難1890』(15)、『天外者』(20)などで知られる田中光敏監督。前作『天外者』では「第34回日刊スポーツ大賞」で「ファンが選ぶ最高作品賞」、「第94回キネマ旬報ベスト・テン」で「読者選出日本映画ベスト・テン第1位」を受賞。今回、自身数十年ぶりとなる現代劇作品を監督する上で、「『相続』を笑いと涙と家族の織り成すエピソード。楽しく描きました。」と語る。また、脚本を担当した小松江里子は『利休にたずねよ』、『海難 1890』、『天外者』を田中監督と共に生み出した名コンビ。社会問題と真珠を巡る家族の喜劇、更に伊勢志摩の壮大な風景を織り込み、オリジナルストーリーを誕生させた。コロナ禍や戦争など、改めてそこにある幸せに触れることができる「家族の物語」でもある。

(引用:https://oyanookane-movie.com/ ©「法定相続人」制作員会)



映画館で「THE PEARL LEGACY」を鑑賞いただいた観客には、この特別なNFTを受け取るチャンスがあり、真珠鑑賞ワークショップに参加したり、バウチャーを受け取ったり、アコヤ真珠のジュエリーを獲得したりする機会もあります。


日時: 7月3日(水曜日)
時間: 16:30 – 19:00
場所: ゴールデンビレッジビボシティ、ゴールドクラス


東 友章 (Tomoaki Azuma) プロデューサー、「THE PEARL LEGACY」

牧戸 麻衣子 (Maiko Makito) マネージングディレクター、パールファルコ共同オーナー

芳賀 真 (Tadashi Haga) PBADAO CEO



日時: 2024年7月13日から8月31日までの毎週土曜日
場所: ゴールデンビレッジビボシティ、ホール8



Pre-screening Talk Topic


July 13 (Saturday)

Ise Shima and the Movie

Tomoaki Azuma

July 17 (Wednesday)

How to Differentiate Pearls

Maiko Makito

July 20 (Saturday)

Climate Change

Dr Cynthia Wong

July 24 (Wednesday)

July 27 (Saturday)

Climate Change

Dr Cynthia Wong

July 31 (Wednesday)

August 3 (Saturday)

Climate Change

Dr Cynthia Wong

August 7 (Wednesday)

A guide to buying Jewellery using Hallmark

Desmond Chin

August 10 (Saturday)

How to differentiate Pearls

Maiko Makito

August 14 (Wednesday)

August 17 (Saturday)

Climate Change

Dr Cynthia Wong

August 21 (Wednesday)

How to differentiate Pearls

Maiko Makito

August 24 (Saturday)

How to Differentiate Pearls

Maiko Makito

August 28 (Wednesday)

Digital Pearls and NFT for Pearls

Tadashi Haga

August 31 (Saturday)

Ise Shima and the Movie

Tomoaki Azuma


Maiko Makito

Co-owner and heiress of Pearl FALCO, a pearl jewellery company from Ise Shima, Japan, aims to share the beauty of pearls and her extensive knowledge about them globally, along with the many stories behind each creation of pearl jewellery.

Topic Speaker Dates: 13 July

Professor Dr Cynthia Wong

Cynthia is a marine ecologist by training with more than 10 years of experience in education and research, specialising in environmental science, ecology, and aquaculture. Apart from course delivery in academic institutes, she has also facilitated eco-tours and outreach workshops, and spoke as invited guest speaker in seminars both in and out of Singapore. She inspires, empowers, and connects people to nature and its elements through immersive experience. ‘Seeing is believing’ – a motto that keeps her eternal passion in science education, communication, and advancement. 

She holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Bachelor of Science (2nd Upper Class) in Environmental Life Science. She is the 50th council member of The Singapore Institute of Biology (SIBiol), a member of the Asian Fisheries Society, a reviewer for the Journal of Animal Diversity and a consultant to aquaculture and education projects. In her personal life, she is a devoted mother of two human kids, three cats and one 2ft x 4ft marine fish tank. She loves exploring new places through travelling and learning about the history and culture through people and food.


Topic Speaker Dates: 20 July, 27 July, 3 August, 17 August

Desmond Chin

Desmond has been with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts as a senior lecturer since 1999. Prior to that, he was with LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts for 14 years, where he had set up the Jewellery Department, became Head of Department, and subsequently, Head of 3D Fine Arts Department.

Desmond’s family is in the jewellery business. He has a passion for metals, and his areas of specialisation include sculpture and jewellery design, silversmithing and enamelling work. One of his sculptures ‘A

Place in Time’ was commissioned by MGS as a historic site marking and unveiled by Mrs Lee Kuan Yew on 15 Aug 1998.

Desmond is a keen supporter of anyone who has an interest in jewellery design and who wishes to set up their own work studio, as this will allow him to collaborate on promoting and establishing a vibrant and creative jewellery artist community.

Topic Speaker Dates: 7 August

Tomoaki Azuma

Tomoaki Azuma was born and grew up in Ise City, Mie Prefecture. After graduating from the University in Nagoya, he joined the local cable TV company and learned the need for local media. He became independent at the age of 28 and started his own video production company. Currently, as a Japanese who is living a balanced life with nature, he is doing a wide range of activities such as video production, movie producer, nature school, agriculture, retailing business of Ise Shima signature product – Japanese Knife, eco-tour, and town development.

Topic Speaker Dates: 13 July, 31 August

Tadashi Haga

PBADAO Co., Ltd., has the mission to adapt Web3 experiences to the real society and the real world by using blockchain technology. They are a creative organisation to share and realise what life will be like in the future.

 In 2020, Makoto Haga founded COCO Gallery, an art gallery. While focusing on business development based on “art x ○○” and operating clinics and gallery buildings, the company began its blockchain business at the end of 2021.

He is actively using blockchain in various fields such as art, culture, and music to provide a web3 experience that is tailored to users.







本社所在地:東京都 渋谷区 代官山町13-5 代官山135ビル

京都支社:京都府 京都市 中京区 鍋屋町 209-2

代表取締役:芳賀 真/堀井 紳吾







ブロックチェーン技術記者、長尾といいます。ブロックチェーンについては投資/投機的な観点よりも、技術として未来の社会でどのように取り込まれていくかを中心に発信したいです。最近ではNFTやメタバースなどに注目しています。 1989年11月7日千葉出身。大学卒業後IT企業に入社。2017年にブロックチェーンの技術ライターとして独立。 Twitter