


『電神讃歌 (DENSHIN-SANKA)』(天月-あまつき-)がNFT海外市場で67秒で完売

(Please scroll down for English.)

Web3界隈で大きく注目を集めたDenDekaDenの『電神讃歌 (DENSHIN-SANKA)』NFT



【電殿神伝-DenDekaDen-】公式アニメーションPV | テーマソング「電神讃歌(DENSHIN-SANKA)」(天月-あまつき-)はここからチェック!

PVリンク: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxt9Hqo_phA







コミュニティとクリエイターが開いた扉: 初公式PVのリリース




近日公開: アニメーションを祝う新しいNFTコレクションが進行中


先行上映会でホルダーから好評を博したPVのアートワークと技術は、今年後半にリリースされる、より大規模で重要なNFTコレクションでも注目されることとなりそうだ。ファンへの早期アクセス価格やAllow Listの配布も予定されている。




 歌: 天月-あまつき- 

 作詞作曲: 星熊南巫 

 編曲: 丸山漠 from a crowd of rebellion 

天月-あまつき- Profile















DenDekaDen’s First Official PV Debuts on Toei Animation’s YouTube Channel: A Milestone in Community-Driven Storytelling

Scene from DenDekaDen’s first official animated PV

DenDekaDen: A Community-Driven Web3 Storytelling Adventure

DenDekaDen is a community-centric narrative project by Toei Animation and Strata, combining world-class storytelling with cutting-edge blockchain technology. With Kyoto as its spiritual home, it interweaves Japanese traditions and mythologies with the digital world of blockchain, telling a tale of 7 spirits yearning to be gods. DenDekaDen has amassed over 70,000 fans on social media and another 20,000 community members on Discord since its inception on January 1, 2023. With a handful of sell-out collections such as DenDekaDen Genesis Omikuji and DenDekaDen Spirit Key Avatars, the project is among the Top 5 in Japan by NFT trade volume.

DenDekaDen’s NFT holders – also known as Believers – can customize their Spirit Key Avatars and utilize a relic system that enables other NFTs to be equipped, further enhancing their appearance. Collectors also exert their influence on the story’s trajectory through token-gated voting. Based on the community’s choice, DenDekaDen debuted one of its characters, Megna, as a virtual idol with her  original song.

Milestone for the Community with the Release of the First Official PV

With the ardent support of believers, a huge milestone for the DenDekaDen community has been reached: the first official animated PV was released today on Toei Animation’s YouTube channel. A labor of love, the PV showcases the DenDekaDen world to a global audience and encapsulates the imaginations of both the creators and the community.

Official Animation PV | Theme Song「DENSHIN-SANKA」(Amatsuki)

PV Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxt9Hqo_phA

Scene from DenDekaDen’s first official animated PV

Featured in the PV are 17 Believers who were carefully selected from the community. Many of whom have held onto DenDekaDen’s two main collections since the project’s inception and till today actively engage and grow DenDekaDen’s story and community. In fact, the dango shop scene was created by a Believer. Seeded during a fan art contest, it evolved into a story scene on DenDekaDen’s homepage and has now been fleshed out as a scene in the PV.

PV’s Theme Song NFT Collection Sold Out in 67 Seconds, Opening a New Chapter for Japanese NFTs

Leading up to its release, the PV’s catchy theme song with vocals from Amatsuki, DENSHIN-SANKA, was released and sold out in 67 seconds. The instantly sold-out collection highlights the appetite for anime subculture content in the global Web3 economy, opening a new chapter for Japanese NFTs and their global appeal.

Music Information


Singer: Amatsuki https://x.com/_amatsuki_

Writer and Composer: Minami Hoshikuma https://x.com/rakia_minami

Arranger: Baku Maruyama from a crowd of rebellion ​​https://x.com/baku_acor

Upcoming: A New NFT Collection Celebrating Japanese Animation in the Works

Scene from DenDekaDen’s first official animated PV

The PV was well received by the DenDekaDen community, and the artwork and craftsmanship behind it will be celebrated with the release of a larger and pivotal NFT collection later this year. Early access prices and allowlists will be given away to fans of the growing work.

For DenDekaDen updates: 

Toei Animation[https://corp.toei-anim.co.jp/ja/index.html]

Toei Animation Co., Ltd. ranks amongst the world’s most prolific animation production studios. The company’s operations include animation development and production, and worldwide marketing and program licensing. The company is expanding its business worldwide under its corporation principle of “becoming a leader in initiating creations which deliver ‘dreams’ and ‘hope’ to children and people all over the world”. Since its founding in 1956, Toei Animation Co., Ltd. has produced more than 13,316 episodes of TV series (more than 230 titles) and more than 258 long feature films (as of March 2022), such as “Mazinger Z”, “Dragon Ball” series, “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” series, “One Piece”, and more. Many works transcend generations and are enjoyed by parents and children alike.


Since its inception at the end of 2022, Strata has been the Web3 transformation company to supercharge Japan’s culture and creativity on the world stage. By harnessing the latest tools and technologies, Strata provides creative and strategic solutions, allowing brands & companies to develop and expand the reach of their services, products, and IP across media, web2, and web3 dimensions. Strata comprises an international team of cultural technologists, bridging Japanese pop and traditional culture with the world. As a co-owner of DenDekaDen, the company leverages technology to enhance creativity.


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